The City of Pori and the technology company Digita have signed a cooperation agreement on the utilisation of the City of Pori’s properties in the development of future mobile networks. The City of Pori owns various types of properties that can be used as base station locations for mobile networks.

With digitalisation and fast technological development, the volume of traffic on wireless network connections is growing rapidly.

“Ensuring the quality of mobile infrastructure and keeping up with the rapid development from 5G to the next speeds was our top priority in cooperation with Digita. Digita acts as an expert organisation to support us and manage the base stations,” says Jouni Salonen, Manager of Facilities Management at City of Pori.

“We are extremely pleased with the collaboration we are launching with the City of Pori. It allows us to expand our offering of high-quality digital infrastructure for mobile operators and other parties building mobile networks in the Pori region. Digita is responsible for the leasing and contract management related to Telecom operations,” says Markus Ala-Hautala, Chief Operating Officer at Digita.

Media contacts:

Jouni Salonen, Manager of Facilities Management, City of Pori, tel. +358 44 701 1575, jouni.salonen(a)

Digita Ltd, Communications and Marketing Director Minna Flink, tel. +358 40 742 8849, minna.flink(a)

Pori is an unyielding and stubborn city that draws strength from creative madness and opposites, time after time. At its core is tenacious entrepreneurship and a unique way of doing things—no matter the industry.

Digita is a provider of digital infrastructure and services, and Finland’s largest independent owner of telecommunication masts. The company owns and operates Finland’s leading national terrestrial television and radio network, acts as a pay-TV operator for the antenna network, and develops future broadcasting services. Digita’s telecommunications services include private networks, indoor coverage solutions, management services for rooftop telecommunications installations, IoT and data centre services. Services are provided to media companies, consumers, mobile operators, industry, infrastructure companies and property owners. Digita employs 200 experts across Finland.