Agora Networks, which develops and manufactures smart parcel lockers, has teamed up with Digita to use Agora’s smart lockers as mobile base stations. Agora Networks’s parcel lockers will be located in urban environments around Finland to serve the demand for parcel logistics services for online shoppers.

The importance of digital infrastructure is constantly growing as data traffic and the number of services that use mobile networks increases. 5G base stations are also being set up in urban areas in connection with various smart furniture items. Agora’s smart locker network is well suited to complement infrastructure required by the demand for mobile data.

“We’ve launched operations in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki with good results and will be expanding them significantly in the Greater Helsinki area and other big cities by the end of the year. Our new smart parcel lockers, which also function as a platform for different services, have been received with a great deal of enthusiasm,” says Mika Salokangas, CEO of Agora Networks.

“We are very satisfied with our cooperation with Agora, which has been geared towards complementing the digital infrastructure of smart cities by co-locating mobile base stations with smart lockers. This improves mobile connections in central locations in cities,” says Digita’s Chief Operating Officer Markus Ala-Hautala. “Our goal is to serve mobile operators by offering them the infrastructure they need in various places. We also see an opportunity to utilise the smart locker network as a platform for our IoT network and to bring city residents IoT solutions in spaces they use on a daily basis,” Ala-Hautala explains.

Agora’s smart parcel locker.

Media contacts:

Agora Networks, CEO Mika Salokangas, tel. +358 400 414 790, mika.salokangas(a)

Digita Oy, COO Markus Ala-Hautala, tel. +358 40 054 9023,

Agora provides technology driven, cost efficient services, and value adding platform for online retailers, logistics operators and urban citizens enabling fast, reachable, and convenient parcel deliveries and spot on DOOH advertising.

Digita is a provider of digital infrastructure and services and the country’s largest independent owner of telecommunication masts. The company owns and operates Finland’s leading national terrestrial television and radio network, acts as a pay-TV operator for the antenna network, and develops future broadcasting services. Digita’s telecommunications services include private networks, indoor coverage solutions, telecommunications rooftop management services, as well as Internet of Things (IoT) and data center services. Services are provided to media companies, consumers, mobile operators, industry, infrastructure companies and property owners. Digita employs 180 experts nationwide.